Wednesday, June 18, 2008

High HIV rate heightens Mozambique poverty: UN envoy (AFP)

A woman with AIDS is seen sitting in her hut in Cachembe village, Mozambique in 2003. The spread of HIV in Mozambique has hit the economy and is heightening poverty, the United Nations chief representative in the country has said.(AFP/File/Alexander Joe)AFP - The spread of HIV in Mozambique has hit the economy conjugated linoleic acid beta alanine heightening poverty, the United Nations chief representative in the country said on Friday.

Nowadays most of 5oldnm lead very busy lives. We tend to rush from place to place, switch quickly from activity to activity and spend little time on ourselves. Our activity also has a cost. We know trimethylglycine no matter how much money we have, we can't buy good health. We may be able to pay for all kinds of treatments that will make us feel good for a short while but what is real health and well-being all about?

The director of my nutrition course used to compare the state of your well-being to the state of your bank account. If your account is in 5k3cy3 you're in good health. How quickly your "credit" is used up depends on factors such as your environment, lifestyle and your diet.

Your environment covers everything around out but also everything 5oldnm are involved in personally and professionally. Your interaction with your environment is important to determine your level of "health wealth." For example, if you eat the right type of food for you but are canada betaine anhydrous angry or tense or you eat too much, this would be an interaction that causes you to use some of your health wealth. Do this on a regular basis and you'll feel yourself moving into the debit zone.

I am witnessing increasing evidence of "health debit" as we draw on our "well-being" bank account but don't replace it. So I'm going to share 10 nutritional and well-being tips to help you stock up on your health wealth for the coming months.

1. spirulina powder australia back on your intake of refined sugar and limit your alcohol and coffee intake.

2. Increase your intake of organic local fruits and vegetables to 7 servings daily.

3. Look after the health of your digestive tract by giving it a regular rest.

4. Drink plenty of water, filtered if possible.

5. Get your essential omega-3 and omega 6 fatty 5oldnm every day from organic nuts and seeds or oily fish (if you're not vegetarian!) to help build strong immunity against illnesses and disease.

6. Resolve personal issues as they arise and release your stress on a daily basis. Just a few minutes can make all the difference.

7. Remember that it's your choice how long you decide to stay feeling as you do. If you're not feeling great, acknowledge the feeling and do something to change it - to stop using up more health credit.

8. Have a positive outlook and practical approach. Your health wealth starts with your attitude to life.

9. Strive to attain peace within by stilling your mind. Breathing exercises and meditation can help. This peace is a source of happiness that will always be yours.

10. Get a good night's rest, ideally by 11pm so the body can have time to rest and recuperate.

Copyright 2008 Janet Gomez. All rights reserved.

Janet Gomez, nutritional consultant, produces the "Nutri-Jyoti News", a free bi-monthly e-newsletter for busy professionals. If you feel ready to learn how to use nutritional strategies to manage your energy levels, sign up for her FREE e-course " 5 Nutritional Keys to Vitality in your Life " at